Merry Christmas everyone, our order books are closed until the new year. There's lots of lovely ready made items for you to buy, so spend, spend, spend. On books, candles and knitwear have a wonderful Christmas every one and thanks for your support.

Red Dwarf, wine, and sunshine,

  This week has been a so, so week, nothing major, nothing drastic, great weather, lots of work, plodding along, playing with lovely fabrics, and watching Red Dwarf. The odd glass of wine, the odd bit of chocolate or a packet of crisps, and so we head into the bank holiday weekend once again phew!  Today  (Friday) is rainy, foggy and dank, but busy none the less. Holly no 2 daughter and  one of my gorgeous models is slap bang in the middle of her GCSE's, today she has had her English exam and then her riding assessment at Brooksby college Melton Mowbray. This has cost pennies.... money to buy new jodhpurs, her old ones were worn out, cash for brush up lessons, moolah for a new helmet, her current one meets EU regulations but because we now are going through the brexit thingy not good enough so £70.00 later and a new Champion helmet to meet the new UK regulations we're set.., all for 20 minutes or so of riding..


Now don't get me wrong, she loves ponies, horses, nags whatever, the smell of stinky hay, and horse poo she lives for it. and everything we've bought will get used... we dug through the house to find her gloves, scoured my wardrobe for polo shirts and borrowed chaps, yep she's a lazy rider, throw anything on and jump on a pony, have her lesson come home and chuck it in the utility room. Brooksby has standards and of course she looked the part, neat plait, gillet, polo shirt, shiny boots, yes she actually cleaned them, freshly washed jodhpurs and a bright new helmet.. nerves, they came out.. it needed a Starbucks to calm them .. and a maccies too.. dashing from school to Melton, we did managed to squeeze them both in.... she  naturally was pulled in the first 4 to ride, and of course she got the difficult horse, the one  the instructors said  was stubborn, the one who needed an extra slap, shes not one to use the whip or the boot she's a gentle rider she loves animals and they often have the upper hand.. shes a softy...... needless to say she wasn't happy with her performance but there were ticks in every box. with  encouraging comments written and no negatives, the trouble is she was pitched against girls and boys who were going for the higher level. a year older and a year more experienced.. how do you keep the morale up of someone whose determine to do them selves down... she has passed, she is going to college this September she has qualified and passed all the tests, but she's a hard taskmaster on herself. and felt she could have done better!. Yes I  suppose a good attitude to have she can always do better and I'm not one of those mums who blow smoke up their kids bums saying "oh wow that scribble that's supposed to be a car is wonderful" I'm the one who says "well wheres the wheels  they should be somewhere.. and wheres the basic shape"..  my kids achievements are genuine, they're hard earned and  truly appreciated. so hats off to my Holly today she truly did well and I'm  really proud.

So onto Red Dwarf and wine..  here in my office, my work space the place I spend more than  15 hours a day in, I watch guff on Netflix. or stream films  from one of the many services I'm subscribed to,  I drink wine on an evening and eat chocolate too, this is the time I sew up, add buttons, thread elastic and generally chill. we do have a lovely lounge room with a gorgeous fire place.. but it only seems to get used  in winter,  birthdays and gatherings, not through the week.. its redundant. its the biggest room in the whole house and sadly the least used as everyone is in their own space doing their own thing.. such is the family way in 2018..... 

This weeks watchings have been a some favourite films, oblivion, the curse of the were rabbit, a few new ones I can't remember the names of, and of course Red Dwarf seasons 1-8  on Netflix and then beyond on the dare TV, there have naturally been breaks for i Zombie and the last few episodes of the delectable Tom Elliot in Lucifer.. and a few other things which caught my eye, I say I don't watch TV and technically  I don't.. I  binge watch boxed sets, films, series, but my TV time is almost none existent... I'm so in awe of the current way of watching/ streaming programmes.. no adverts, watch what you want when you want on what device you want..thank goodness for my dual screen set up..  I really do love it...I missed it for about 6 months... the cat killed one of my monitors and I hadn't insured my 2nd screen.. silly me..second time around I paid the extra tenner to make sure it was covered. and its not set on top of the printer waiting for a cat to push it off!!! we live and learn!


So now its Sunday the sun is shining.. yes we had a doozy of a thunder storm in the small hours but the weather looks good so I may find time today to photo and list this stack of goodies I've been making all week...


Time off.. whats that.. yes I do have it I sloped off yesterday and had my hair done.. yeay I'm blonde again I spent time on Friday with Holly doing all her stuffs so yes I do get time away from this office.. and guess what just 16 days to go to my hollibobs and I'll be away for 28 sand filled and sun soaked relaxing do nothing days... but you know me I'll be sat on the beach crocheting but that's another story.


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