Adventures with Amorous Alfie, two new cross-stitch cats stories, colouring book, story book.
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Adventures with Amorous Alfie, introduces Jenny to the Magical world of the Cross-Stitch cats, she journeys through time and over land to her very first destination of Anchorage in Alaska, where she takes part in the last great race, the Iditarod. There she takes part as a guest rider on the first leg of the race, experiencing the thrill of the ride.
The second story takes her to Amsterdam, to the Keukenhof gardens to see the tulips and meet the moss-lings who look after the blooms nightly.
With over 32 new colouring pages and 2 new stories, this colouring story book will be a welcome addition to the collection
The second story takes her to Amsterdam, to the Keukenhof gardens to see the tulips and meet the moss-lings who look after the blooms nightly.
With over 32 new colouring pages and 2 new stories, this colouring story book will be a welcome addition to the collection