Red Dwarf, wine, and sunshine,
Holly no 2 daughter and one of my gorgeous models is slap bang in the middle of her GCSE's, today she has had her English exam and then her riding assessment at Brooksby college Melton Mowbray. This has cost pennies.... money to buy new jodhpurs, her old ones were worn out, cash for brush up lessons, moolah for a new helmet, her current one meets EU regulations but because we now are going through the brexit thingy not good enough so £70.00 later and a new Champion helmet to meet the new UK regulations we're set.., all for 20 minutes or so of riding..
Bank Holiday weekend,
Wasn't this weekend fantastic, Here in the UK we've had temperatures reaching right up to 28 degrees. Clear bluer than blue skies and endless sunshine. I love this kind of weather, it makes everything just look so much better and brighter, it makes people smile more especially when its teamed with a long weekend, it gives every one chance to kick back, relax, unwind and play hooky legitimately except me! Working from home means I never step away from it, its habit, its what I am and what I do...

Oops I did it again...!
This weeks rescue mission involves 85 cones of yarn! OK so I probably have about 1000 cones already and I probably will never use all of them in my life time but I'm going to have a jolly good try, I have used 3 of the new ones today, but this time I've fallen on a bargain, lots of still in wrapper full cones with bands still attached, the likes of Atkinsons yarns from nearby Wigston.. (sadly no longer with us,) lots of Uppingham specials (these tend to be oddities no names but often Shetland, lambswool, cotton or something equally lovely) Shamal yarns by forsel, bramwell yarns, yeoman and some even from my home town of Bradford,